Every knife maker finds their own way into the craft, and Pennsylvania-based Luke Dellmyer‘s path began in the demands of a farming life. Working with...
In the last five years, the knife making scene has absolutely exploded, with dozens upon dozens of new names, new talents, and new knives. One shop that gained a...
Hawk Knives delivered deeply sad news to the knife world yesterday: Grant Hawk, one of the most innovative, boundary-pushing knife makers of the 20th century, passed away earlier this...
We hit 2025 running this year, with SHOT Show itself and a stream of new releases and announcements following in its wake, right up to the current day. Naturally...
Something wicked this way comes, via We Knife Co.’s design team. Late March will see the release of the Winsome which, despite its innocuous name, is a big and...
Sponsored by: KnivesShipFree SHOT Show 2025 may be a couple of months behind us now, but that doesn’t mean you can’t get your hands on an exclusive Benchmade from...
Right before their recent hurricane of new knives, TOPS released one that shouldn’t be left behind in terms of coverage. This is the Frog Market Special Mini, a tinified...
No sooner have we finished covering one batch of new Civivi models than a new group appears on the horizon. One of the most notable in the March roundup...
Shop Talk: Luke Dellmyer’s Journey from Horseshoes to Custom Knives
Gerber Shrinks Down the Slimsada and Gives it a New Blade Shape
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