Civivi Regulatron Goes Back to Basics

We’re working our way through the June batch of Civivi releases, models that will presumably be releasing at or around Blade Show early next month. One among this batch is the Regulatron, a knife that eschews anything fancy and aims to be a dead simple EDC folder.

The Civivi catalog (not even counting the adjacent family portfolios of WE and Sencut) is enormous and, although the label is positioned as an entry-level brand, over the years there the team has found plenty of ways to wild out design-wise within the bounds of that designation. We’ve seen the release of some Civivi models with a material and mechanical sophistication that nudges up against, if never quite crosses over into, the premium sector.

The Regulatron, on the other hand, moves in the opposite direction, opting for pure simplicity in role as a “palette cleanser” EDC with broad appeal. The drop point blade measures 2.98 inches, which keeps it under the legally important 3-inch mark while still offering dimensions that are capable of most any ‘standard’ day-to-day cutting task. You can easily envision the Regulatron handling small stuff like slicing an apple as well as flexing into more trying jobs like breaking down a whole mess of cardboard.

The deep carry clip here is a recurring Civivi cast member

In keeping with its “platonic ideal modern folder” aesthetic, the Regulatron opens with the de facto opener of our times, the flipper. Its blade is made from Nitro-V which, again, makes sense within the Regulatron’s particular all-purpose design; Nitro-V’s well-rounded characteristics and full stainless designation give it about as broad an appeal as any steel within the budget knife corral.

The handle is as restrained and back-to-basics as the blade. The finger groove beneath the blade keeps your hand where it needs to be and also provides an access point for disengaging the liner lock when the time comes. Scale options are, you guessed it, very simple: black G-10, green Micarta, or – in what would perhaps be considered the ‘fancy’ version of the Regulatron – guibourtia wood.

This one is hitting shelves next month.

Knife in Featured Image: Civivi Regulatron

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