The Virginia Switchblade Commerce Bill (SB1251) has been passed out of the State Senate and is awaiting a signature from the Governor. SB1251’s main thrust...
Knife Rights’ Montana Switchblade Ban Repeal and Knife Law Preemption Bill (HB 115) has been overwhelmingly passed in the state House of Representatives. 99 out...
Knife maker Todd Begg and Pride In Making Products (PIMP) LLC., the company behind Begg Knives, have amicably settled their lawsuit out of court. The...
The beginning of the year is a particularly exciting time for knife nerds. Companies begin to unveil their new lineups, custom makers set to work...
Benchmade Founder Les de Asis is stepping down as President of the company, to be replaced by his son Jon deAsis. The younger deAsis tells...
The knife world is mourning the passing of the one and only A.G. Russell. Russell was 85 years old and leaves behind a lasting legacy...
Fox Knives, Lionsteel, Mercury, and Viper have come together to create Mikita (Maniago Innovation Knife ITAly), a network of Maniago-based knife makers. Mikita aims to...
When President Trump announced more tariffs on goods imported from China in September, it became evident that this time, knives were included. The tariffs, which went...
Today is opening day for the very first BLADE Show West, a new West Coast counterpart to the Atlanta-based summer Blade Show. Over 200 exhibitors have...
Buck Knives has brought on Lindsey Phelps as their new International Sales Manager. Phelps brings more than a decade of experience in the knife world...
Spyderco has filed a counterfeit suit against iOffer, Inc., Owner of online storefront The suit alleges six different charges including trademark counterfeiting and patent...
The New York Court of Appeals has just upheld a December 2017 decision in the People v. Berrezueta, where a man carrying an assisted-opening knife...
Manufacturers, makers, and fans are heading back home after the close of Blade Show 2018. Hundreds of the best and brightest in the knife industry...
The knife world has begun to mourn the death of Dr. Derrick Bohn, Owner and Founder of KnivesShipFree, who passed away suddenly as the result...
Yesterday, KnivesShipFree announced that Owner and Founder Dr. Derrick Bohn had suddenly passed away. KnivesShipFree got its start as a part-time eBay storefront to help...