Known for working with unconventional materials, French knife maker Roland Lannier is preparing a new line of slipjoints with handles made of Solid Comic Book, a substance...
After an enterprising 2016 that saw the introduction of the award winning Garberg, the Kansbol, and Eldris, Mora is taking a less ambitious approach to 2017....
The CRKT Tecpatl is the latest knife to join the company’s Forged By War lineup and the only push dagger in their catalog. The Tecpatl...
Opinel has just teamed up with L.L.Bean to offer an exclusive new version of the Opinel No. 8 with a meaningful connection to the outdoor apparel retailer. Called...
Today, Kizer revealed three new models slated to be available as early as the end of the year. Kizer is expanding into new territory with the Zip Slip,...
“I was told by some of my European dealers not to bother coming to Germany if I didn’t bring a slipjoint,” Rick Hinderer jokes. IWA...
Brought to you by Work Sharp Knife & Tool Sharpeners Stropping is the easiest way to bring your knives to their ultimate sharpness. After shaping...
Knife Gripes is brought to you by KME Sharpeners Nick issues a challenge to knife designers: don’t play it safe. More Episodes of Knife Gripes with...
Hawk Knife Designs has just released a revealing take down video of the Hawk Knives Deadlock automatic, the first OTF knife with a completely solid lockup....
Brought to you by Work Sharp Knife & Tool Sharpeners When we interviewed Dexter Ewing, Field Editor for BLADE Magazine and owner of Winston-Salem Knife...
UPDATE 3/20/18: Morphing Karambit now available on Kickstarter. We recently reached out to Joe Caswell to learn about progress of Version 2.0 (V2) of his Morphing Karambit. The...
Benchmade has confirmed it is working on a smaller version of the 2016 smash hit Crooked River. The company says that it has not yet established a release date...
Steel Will is following up their new Ant-Lock mechanism with the debut of an original serration pattern designed to maximize the speed of each cutting motion....
Knife Gripes is brought to you by KME Sharpeners In the first episode of Knife Gripes, Nick calls out knife companies who insist on using proprietary hardware...
Pro-Tech is following up its popular Strider SnG automatic with their rendition of the smaller, more EDC-friendly Strider PT. The company is hoping this latest...