The HEAdesigns Equilibrium is getting a sequel, the EQ V2. This follow-up brings the renowned Equilibrium style into a fresh size class and kicks up...
We Knife Co. is releasing the Double Helix, a knife featuring its new, patented Sliderlock mechanism. The Double Helix will hit the shelves alongside the...
Benchmade has just revealed the 200 Puukko fixed blade knife at the Summer Outdoor Retailer Show in Denver, CO. In current Benchmade fashion the Puukko...
Lightweight backpackers are getting a TOPS model of their own with the new Backpacker’s Bowie. TOPS implemented weight-saving features to trim excess ounces while still...
Nemesis Knives is readying the third release in the Mar Private Reserve Series. The MPR-3 brings a classic Mar look to an affordable price point...
Sulphur, Louisiana-based Smith & Sons Knives’ newest fixed blade is the Spur, a small knife made specifically for EDC use. The company tells us this...
Keeping track of Spyderco’s yearly releases is a Herculean task, even for hardcore fans – but thankfully you don’t have to do it. Spyderco forumite...
Something Obscene Company will be growing and changing directions as 2018 progresses. According to the founder, an increased emphasis on production knives will open up...
Ferrum Forge Knife Works is preparing the first model in its Pro-Line production knife series, the Fortis 2.0. This is the first time the Fortis...
WE Knife Co. continues to be a manufacturing juggernaut and is currently prepping its first slipjoint release. Additionally, two new folders have recently dropped as...
Spartan Blades‘ latest collaboration with William Harsey, the Tactical Trout fixed blade, is ready to ship out. The new model is based off a custom...
Serge Panchenko has just refreshed one of his most popular knives, the Coin Claw, with a Gen3 redesign. The diminutive folder now sports a redrawn...
TOPS has dropped the Operator 7, an overbuilt fixed blade styled after classic American fighting knives. The heavy duty Operator 7 mixes elements of choppers, tactical blades,...
Poland-based Poltergeist Works is prepping three new production collaborations with Real Steel Knives. These knives mark the first time folders from Poltergeist Works Founder Jakub Wieczorkiewicz...
Jesper Voxnaes is teaming up with Viper for the Belone, his latest production collaboration. Voxnaes broke away from his signature style for this thin, hard-working...